Notice is hereby given that the Borough Council of West Easton will conduct a public hearing, at Borough Hall, 237 7th Street, West Easton, Pennsylvania, 18042, and consider the adoption of the ordinance summarized herein, at a meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m. on November 11, 2024. At said meeting, Council shall consider enacting, and if appropriate, will take a vote on adopting proposed Ordinance 2024-12 – “An Ordinance of the Borough of West Easton, Repealing Ordinance 885, entitled ‘An Ordinance Establishing a Temporary Resident Fee of $150.00 for Providing Remuneration for the Outlay of Additional Revenue by the Borough for Increased Administration Costs, Repairs and Upgrades to the Borough’s Roadway and Water and Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure, and the Increase for Police Enforcement within the Borough’”.
Proposed Ordinance 2024-12 would repeal the $150.00 Temporary Resident Fee imposed by Ordinance 885 on the grounds that it is no longer necessary and appropriate.
The full proposed text of said ordinance may be examined by any citizen on the “Legal” tab of the Borough’s website at, or may be picked up at Borough Hall, located at 237 Seventh Street, West Easton, Pennsylvania, 18042 during office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. until the date of the aforesaid Borough Council Meeting. Persons with disabilities who require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe or participate should contact the Borough Office at least five (5) days before the above date to discuss how their needs may be best accommodated.
Joan Heebner, Manager/Secretary
Notice is hereby given that the Borough Council of West Easton will conduct a public hearing, at Borough Hall, 237 7th Street, West Easton, Pennsylvania, 18042, and consider the adoption of the ordinance summarized herein, at a meeting to be held at 6:00 p.m. on November 11, 2024. At said meeting, Council shall consider enacting, and if appropriate, will take a vote on adopting proposed Ordinance 2024-13 – “An Ordinance of the Borough of West Easton, Amending Ordinance 966, Entitled ‘An Ordinance Amending the Uses Permitted by Conditional Use Within the LI-Light Industrial Zoning District in the Borough of West Easton Zoning Ordinance.’”
Proposed Ordinance 2024-13 would amend Ordinance 966 by (1) striking subparagraph B(4)(a)(6) precluding treatment centers from distributing methadone to residents on an outpatient basis; amending subparagraph B(4)(a)(9) regarding admission and discharge of residents by a secured process to acknowledge that any such facility shall not be required to be locked; amending subparagraph B(4)(a)(11) to strike the prohibition on the use of methadone in the provision of outpatient services at a treatment center; and striking subparagraph B(4)(a)(13) requiring treatment center residents to pay a temporary residency fee of $150.00 to the Borough.
Such changes are proposed based on a finding that they are no longer necessary and appropriate to the Borough’s zoning objectives.
The full proposed text of said ordinance may be examined by any citizen at the “Legal” tab of the Borough’s website at, or be picked up at Borough Hall, located at 237 Seventh Street, West Easton, Pennsylvania, 18042 during office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. until the date of the aforesaid Borough Council Meeting. Persons with disabilities who require any auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to observe or participate, should contact the Borough Office at least five (5) days before the above date to discuss how their needs may be best accommodated.
Joan Heebner, Manager/Secretary