Public Works Department
Property & Roads Committee Chair – Steve Klaver
Road Dept. Supervisor – Dane Thatcher
Ordinances require the cleanup of all animal fecal matter or risk a $300 fine. Please think of your neighbors while walking your dog. Clean up after your dogs, carry bags and use them when necessary. Thank you for your help in keeping West Easton clean and being a good neighbor!
Do not feed feral or stray cats by putting out food. Feeding these animals promotes breeding and only increases their population problem in our Borough. Food left out also attracts skunks!
Leaf pick up in the Fall
Residents are asked to put leaf piles at the end of their yards by the curb NOT in the street, for pick up. Leaves in the gutter cause problems with the drains. Please note that our vacuum machine is for leaves only. Sticks, stones, grass clippings, etc. are not permitted. These items can damage the vacuum. If you have any questions please call the Borough Office at 610-252-6651.
Grass & Weeds
West Easton Borough has ordinances pertaining to grass & weeds. Grass & Weed Ordinances requires all citizens & businesses to keep grass cut below 6 inches. Cut grass is not to be put in the street. Please, do not blow clippings into the streets. This can clogs the gutters and cause slippery conditions for motorcycles. Thank you! Removal of clippings is the property owner’s responsibility.
Snow Emergency Info
Snow emergency information will be broadcast on WFMZ- TV Channel 69 under the weather tab. We will also display a pop-up emergency notice, upon your visiting this website.
You can also download a weather app to your phone at
The following streets are Designated SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES:
Main Street from East Street to Adamson Street to Easton Boundary
East Street from Spring Street to Third Street
Third Street from East Street to Keystone Avenue
Seventh Street from East Street to Center Street
Spring Street from Center Street to Iron Street
Spring Street from Ridge Street to East Street
Ridge Street from Spring Street to Wilson Boundary
Tenth Street from Ridge Street to Palmer Street
Palmer Street from Tenth Street to Wilson Boundary
Keystone Avenue from Spring Street to Front Street
Front Street from Keystone Avenue to Iron Street
For Map: Snow Emergency Map
Please move your vehicles from the designated snow emergency streets when a Snow Emergency is called. All vehicles will be towed at the owners expense if they are not moved.
Any Snow Event Info:
Sidewalks must be cleared within 12 hours of a snowfall ending. A width of 30″ (thirty inches) minimum is required for pedestrian walking paths. In the event of ice, sand or salt should be applied. DO NOT place snow / ice in roads, on sidewalks, or next to fire hydrants. Snowblower chutes should be pointed toward your property, not toward the street. Any help in keeping the fire hydrants cleared and accessible is greatly appreciated!

If you have one, you should clear your driveway as shown.