Trash/recycle Calendar 2025
November, 2022 – Due to the contract with Waste Management ending at the end of December 2022 the Borough of West Easton sought bids, as required by law, to provide trash and recycling services. Waste Management declined to offer a bid. A 5-year contract, with an optional 2-year extension, was awarded to the lowest bidder who met the specifications outlined in the advertised contract.
Beginning in 2023 these services will be provided by J.P. Mascaro and Sons.
December, 2022 – Our contract with Advanced Disposal/Waste Management expires at the end of December. As required by law, the Borough Council requested bids for trash/recycle collection. The Borough is legally required to accept the lowest responsible bid. That bid came from J.P. Mascaro & Sons. We had hoped to escape an increase in the cost of the collection services, but we did not. Like many other local municipalities, the cost has just about doubled. J.P Mascaro will be mailing out a flyer with all the changes listed on it, but have stated they do not know when the flyer will be sent out from their printer.
The main changes are:
The collection date is now Monday instead of Thursday.
One bulk item a month, first Monday of the month, instead of every week.
The cost for trash/recycle/bulk collection is now $8.35 a week or $108.54 a quarter per residential/living unit.
Below is a copy of the full flyer/mailer along with a separate page of just the actual collection schedule.
There will no doubt be people that want to blame Council for the updates/changes, but keep in mind all council members live in the Borough and will be paying the same fees as you do; Council must select the lowest responsible bid and that is what they did.
“What Can I Recycle?”
– One can w/lid per homeowner per/trash bill provided FREE; bring your portion of the trash bill with account number.
– The Borough is not responsible for lost or stolen cans after pick up.
– For multi-family dwellings, one can will be provided for each paid refuse bill account.
– Recycle cans remain the property of West Easton Borough and may not be taken if the homeowner or a tenant moves.
LANDLORDS/TENANTS: If the landlord/owner cannot make it to pick up the recycle bins for their tenants, the landlord should contact our Borough Manager with the address of the rental property, the account number and the name of the tenant that will be picking up and signing for the bin. Please put “bins” in the subject line.
As it was with Waste Management, J.P. Mascaro & Sons is also requiring that all mattresses and box springs be totally covered in plastic when put out for garbage pickup.
Additional recycling and disposal drop-off locations can found at: Recycling/Disposal Locations
Life Span of Commonly Discarded Litter
Bundle: Tree, shrub, brush trimmings, newspaper or magazines securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding three feet in length or 50 pounds in weight.
Bulky, Demolition or Construction Refuse: This material shall be collected on regular collection days. Items should be of a size and weight, which may be reasonably lifted by two persons. Construction and demolition refuse consisting of one (1) container or one (1) bundle per residence shall also be collected on regulation collection days.
You are allowed 3 bags or 2 cans. You are allowed one bulk item each month (1st week). No electronics or tires can be picked up.
Items to be Recycled: clear glass, colored glass (green and brown), plastic (PET, PETE 1 and HDPE 2), aluminum, steel, bimetallic and aerosol cans, newsprint, magazines and corrugated paper.
Residents supply their own recycle containers, beyond the one supplied by the borough in 2019; the office supplies the red recycling stickers at no cost, should you want to convert a trash bin into a recycling bin.
If you haven’t picked up your free blue recycling bin, contact the Borough Manager.
The Pennsylvania Covered Device Recycling Act CDRA 108 prohibits the disposal of covered devices (such as computers, laptops, monitors and televisions) with residential trash and trash haulers are legally prohibited from taking these items. E-waste materials must be disposed of at a properly certified facility or at a scheduled e-cycling event.