What Our Pandemic “Green Phase” Means

What Our Pandemic “Green Phase” Means

There is some confusion that Governor Wolf moving Northampton County to the Green Phase means that we are back to “normal.”

Green does not mean, “normal.”

Guidelines for social distancing, wearing of masks, conducting business, and other restrictions still exist and is fluid in how those restrictions are subject to change by orders of the Governor.


West Easton’s children attend schools in the Wilson Area School District, which has announced re-opening plans for the 2020-2021 school year during the pandemic. You can view their plan, to open under the green phase, on YouTube by clicking THIS LINK.


West Easton has a limited number of public businesses that have direct interaction with the public. Most notable would be West Easton Mart, Dubs on 5th, and our own borough offices.

West Easton Mart has remained in operation during all pandemic phases.

Dubs on 5th, shut down when Northampton County was in the red phase, was provided some relief when West Easton’s Zoning Officer issued a temporary permit allowing outside dining during the yellow phase of the pandemic.

Borough Hall was closed to public access soon after the pandemic was declared, though employees still report to work and business is being conducted.

Due to the inability of our small Borough Hall to provide proper social distancing space, enforce the wearing of masks, and limited staff to disinfect properly after each visitor departs before another may enter, it remains closed to public access.

Public Parks

The parks are now open to the public, though social distancing between non-family members should be observed.

Playground Equipment

Basketball hoops at the main park were removed following the declaration of the pandemic when it was observed that children were gathering in large numbers and basketball, being the game it is, could not meet the requirements of social distancing. The hoops will remain unavailable during all phases of the pandemic.

While some other play equipment is, by its nature and construction, still accessible to children, the Borough is advising parents that they should not allow their children to play on them. The Borough does not disinfect this equipment and play is done at your own risk.

Emergency Alert Message System (EAMS)

Though only used for the Emergency Declaration by the Borough at the start of the pandemic, you are reminded that West Easton has a text messaging system in place for residents and caregivers in the event of any emergency, or threat of disaster.

If you want to sign up for the EAMS, a form can be downloaded HERE. You can drop it in the slot located on the side door of Borough Hall.

You will have the option of receiving a text message to your cell phone, or a voice message to your landline.

The system will only be used for situations in which residents should be made aware ASAP (Declared Emergencies, Fire, Police, etc.). The system will not be used for planned events, delayed trash days, meeting notifications, or other matters that are not urgent in nature.

Landline calls may appear as coming from an “844” phone number, or a “1-800 Service” number.

If you find you received a notification, but did NOT wish to Opt IN, please contact Joan at Borough Hall or call 610-252-6651 to have your name and number removed from the system. If you received both options, but only want one delivered, please contact Borough Hall and changes will be made.